Windows 7 Released to Manufacturing

Ballmer Windows 7

Ballmer Windows 7

Microsoft has just announced the “release to manufacturing” of the next version of its Windows operating system. This is the last stage of the process that will end with general availability on October 22. From that point, it will be sold pre-installed on computers in shops, and as a retail package for use on existing PCs loaded with previous versions such as Windows XP and Vista.

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Microsoft Gazelle to Combat Google OS

Microsoft is set to officially respond to Google’s Chrome OS on Monday, 13th July, with an official pronouncement on its new OS- Gazelle.

Last week, Microsoft Research released an interesting paper about a Web browser it calls Gazelle that’s constructed in such a way to act like an operating system with the browser kernel exclusively protecting resources and sharing across Web sites.

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Google’s new operating system to take on Microsoft

Google is developing a new operating system for laptop computers in its boldest challenge yet to Microsoft’s control over people’s computing experience.

The new operating system will run through Google’s nine-month-old Web browser, Chrome, according to a post late Tuesday night on the Mountain View-based company’s Web site.

Google plans to introduce the operating system during the second half of 2010.

The new operating system is being designed for “netbooks,” a low-cost, less powerful breed of laptops that is becoming increasingly popular among consumers primarily interested in a having a computer to surf the Web.
The Chrome browser could threaten Microsoft’s Windows system, which has been running most personal computers for the past two decades.

Key points

  • The OS is designed for Web apps and cloud computing
  • It combines the Chrome browser plus a lightweight windowing
    environment on top of a Linux kernel goals are lightweight, fast to boot, fast to allow users to access the Web
  • Targeted to netbook category of devices initially (via hardware partners), but eventually for desktop machines
  • Will be released as open source
  • Relies on a security architecture designed for the Internet era
  • It’s not Android
  • Discussions underway with hardware partners for shipment after mid-2010
  • For details, click here